Summer Drive

Summer Drive for Our Troops! Saturday, August 18th from 9-10:30 a.m. at the American Legion Post 193 on School Street in Winchendon. Looking for monetary donations towards the postage, and items to send to our military members worldwide- especially quick meals, drink mixes, home baked goodies, snacks and letters/cards/pictures/notes (great …

Word of Thanks

We want to say “thank you” to the residents of Winchendon who took the time to make our 51st mailing of Operation Winchendon Cares such a success. It is so rewarding to hear back from our troops when they receive the reminder from their hometown. Packages were sent to 31 …

Thank you

A lot of love was sent to our troops on February 10th by the residents of Winchendon. Twenty one packages were sent Stateside and twenty four packages were sent overseas! This was the 50th mailing that Operation Winchendon Cares has completed! A huge thank you goes to Stephen & Sheba …

Thank you!

First of all I would like to thank everyone who came to the American Legion to drop off donations or help sort the donations and get them packaged up to be shipped out for our Holiday Drive for Operation Winchendon Cares. Thank you to our “regulars”…Will Brown for our website …

Holiday Treats For Our Troops

Hey everyone. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, November 4th for our Holiday Treats For Our Troops drive. I know that it is still the beginning of fall, but we want to send some love to the troops stationed around the world for the holidays. Please consider donating money for …

Summer Drive

Operation Winchendon Cares held its Summer Drive on Saturday and sent out packages to 20 stateside service members and 2 packages each to 5 service members stationed overseas or on ships. First, we must thank the American Legion Post 193 for their generous donation towards the postage as well as …

End of Summer Drive

On Saturday, August 12th from 9-11 A.M. at the American Legion Post 193 on School Street, Operation Winchendon Cares will be collecting donations to send to our troops. These are all local Winchendon men and women. This will be our End of Summer Drive. The disheartened emotions are rebuilt to …

Holiday Drive

Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 9-11 A,M, at the American Legion Post 193 School Street in Winchendon, Some of these drugs are manufactured by world renowned brands like Pfizer and these medications are free cialis available in various forms such as Jelly and Soft Pills. It …

End of Summer Drive

Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 12, 2017 from 9-11 A,M, at the American Legion Post 193 School Street in  Winchendon, The add-in found in the band name partner is the same one in the Kamagra Oral Jelly, kamagra soft tabs at very reasonable costs. generic for cialis Fildena brand encompasses …

Thank you!

In a month where we honor those people currently serving in our military – Armed Forces Day as well as those who paid the ultimate sacrifice – Memorial Day, Operation Winchendon Cares once again gathered to fill boxes with donations to be sent to 35 service members stationed in the …